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Rubber Plant Care Guide

Caring for a rubber plant is all about balance! Though these plants are not completely fickle, they do require some extra attention every now and then. Making sure you know how to read the signs of your rubber plant and maintaining that balance in its care will lead you to a gorgeous, thriving plant. We’ve accumulated some tips and tricks to care for your rubber plant best. Read on to learn more!


Where you decide to place your plant is a big part of its success. Rubber plants require a decent amount of sunlight, but not direct sunlight. Having direct sunlight on your rubber plants can end up in getting some sunburnt leaves! We recommend a placement near a bright window, but not directly in front of the window. Some rubber plant owners opt for a sheer curtain on a window that gets alot of sunlight. This is an excellent choice as well as the curtain will protect the plant from getting sunburnt.

Another thing to consider when placing your rubber plant is temperature. Rubber plants tend to prefer rooms that are a tad bit chilly, thriving in 15 to 22 degrees celsius, and can survive in temperatures as low as 10 degrees celsius. That being said, your average room temperature should be just fine for these beautiful plants! We recommend just being mindful of large temperature changes. Rubber plants like consistency. If your hometown climate gets really hot in the summers and super cold in the winters, try and keep these plants a decent ways away from any outside doors to avoid any drafts, and a good distance away from any windows that might change temperatures with the weather. 

Rubber plants also like a bit of humidity in their lives. If you live in a particularly dry climate, a bathroom or a room with a humidifier might be good choices for these plants! Try and keep the humidity relatively consistent, as rubber plants don’t love change.

Water and Food

Rubber plants are pretty simple when it comes to watering and fertilizing. Like any plant, there are dormant and growing seasons to be aware of. Rubber plants have their growing season in the summer months. During these times, more water is recommended. You want to keep the soil most during these months, and mist or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to lock in some extra humidity into the leaves and help them soak up more nutrients from the sun! Due to the amount of water used in the summer months for these rubber plants, we recommend a well draining, plastic pot. This is also the season you want to focus more of your fertilization in! Our Plant Vitamins Thrive is a great way to start your rubber plants off to a good start in their growing season! As for their dormant season, those are the winter months. Less watering is needed in these months. Wait until the top layer of soil is completely dry before watering again.

Final Notes 

Although these rubber plants are not hard to maintain, they can definitely become unhappy if they are forgotten or not listened to. Check in on your plants leaves every once and a while to make sure they are not drooping or turning yellow or brown. Once you get the hang of listening to your rubber plant, it’s all smooth sailing! 

If you have any extra tips to share, or any questions about the ones here today, drop us a comment below! We would also love to hear from you! What do YOU want to read about in our upcoming blogs. Let us know in the comments.

Until next time,

Plant Vitamins Team

Comments (2)

  • P on Jan 07, 2022

    Why do the leaves curl on my rubber plant? Ok. Just one

  • P on Jan 07, 2022

    What about curling leaves? One of the leaves on my rubber plant was flat and now it’s rolling in? I dunno, is that ok or no?

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